Below you will find information on the therapies I offer which are:
I work therapeutically using a number of approaches described below including Family and Systemic Psychotherapy, Psychodynamic Psychotherapy, EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing), EFT (Emotionally Focused Therapy for couples and individuals) and NVR (Non-Violent Resistance).
I work integratively, drawing on as many therapeutic approaches as is necessary to provide a flexible therapeutic process that is tailored to fit your needs.
Please read below for more details.
When traumatic events occur the body’s natural coping mechanisms can be overwhelmed and subsequently the memory is not always fully processed. After a traumatic event or events (which may include childhood trauma and abuse) it is common and normal to experience various symptoms such as recurring thoughts of the incident/s, nightmares and intense emotions. Unlike everyday memories, trauma memories are stored in a raw and sensory form (i.e. in images, sounds and smells etc). This means they can be triggered unpredictably, out of the blue, for example by hearing a similar sound or seeing something that looks like something that was present during the trauma.
For some people, trauma symptoms naturally reduce over time. For others, the symptoms can continue or worsen. If symptoms last beyond three months, they may meet the criteria for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). However, people do not need to have a diagnosis of PTSD in order to benefit from a trauma focused therapy. If trauma symptoms are extremely intense or continue for more than three months, EMDR or other trauma focused therapy is sometimes indicated.
EMDR aims to reprocess traumatic memories so that they are stored in a less raw and emotive form and in turn reducing the frequency and intensity of the trauma symptoms or even resolving them.
EMDR’s involves recalling distressing events while receiving bilateral sensory input such as side to side eye movements, tapping and auditory tones.This process allows the brain to heal from the trauma and emotional distress.
EMDR is now increasingly used to treat symptoms which are not necessarily trauma related such as depression, anxiety, phobias and addictions.
If you would find it helpful, more information about EMDR can be found here.

Psychotherapy is a talking therapy that is used to treat emotional problems and mental health issues. Psychotherapy can offer an environment in which clients can express their feelings and gain deeper insight into the issues they face. The therapist aims to help the client find better ways to cope and supports them to initiate changes that benefit the way they think and behave in order to improve their mental and emotional wellbeing.
Psychotherapy can be short or long-term. The number of sessions will depend on the depth and complexity of the issues the client is facing.
If you would find it helpful, more information about Psychotherapy can be found here.

Couples therapy can help couples to find a way through any difficulties that they may be
facing in their relationship. Couples therapy is a type of psychotherapy in which the
therapist helps the individuals involved gain insight into their relationship, identify the
issues or problems and work together to resolve conflict and misunderstanding so that they can resolve their difficulties and improve the quality of their relationship.
The couples therapy that I provide is called Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT). As an EFT therapist I am committed to supporting couples to heal and transform their relationship by experiencing and understanding themselves and their partner in new ways and by restoring a secure emotional bond.
Couples therapy can be beneficial for any kind of relationship whether the partners are
straight, gay, mixed race, young, old, dating, engaged or married.
Common areas of concern addressed in couples therapy include issues with emotional
distance, frequent conflict, sex, infidelity, parenting, chronic health issues, infertility, in-
laws, gambling, and substance abuse.
If you would find it helpful, you can further explore British Emotionally Focused Therapy, International Centre for Emotionally Focused Therapy, and psychotherapy.

Family Therapy is a branch of psychotherapy that works with families to nurture change and positive development. Family therapy explores the relationship between family members rather than the internal world of the individual.
Family therapy recognises that family members will often have different views and feelings and works to ensure that everyone feels safe to explore these differences and find positive ways to support each other.
Family therapists help family members find constructive ways to help each other and explore possible ways forward.
Family therapy takes a non-judgemental stance towards the difficulties people and families find themselves negotiating and respects the importance of each person’s beliefs, culture, gender, age, sexuality and life experience.
I have training and experience of working with a variety of family constellations including gay, lesbian, transgender, stepfamilies and adoptive families.
If a family decide to undertake family therapy, the family and the therapist decide together which family members will be invited to attend each session.
If you would find it helpful, more information about family therapy can be found here.

The NVR Parenting Approach was originally developed by Haim Omer to support adults caring for young people presenting with behaviours that concern such as violence, risk taking, aggression or self-destruction.
NVR principles are now being applied as an intervention for parents of children who are experiencing a variety of mental health problems such as anxiety, depression and neurodevelopmental problems such as autism and ADHD.
NVR for Anxiety
Anxiety is part of children’s natural development, and is the most prevalent disorder of childhood and adolescence. In some cases, experiences of anxiety persist for longer periods. In certain cases, however, symptoms persist and become a long-term difficulty in the form of separation anxiety, specific or social phobias or generalized anxiety, panic, or obsessive-compulsive disorders.
The role of parents in childhood anxiety disorders becomes even more crucial in the many cases where anxious children refuse treatment, leaving parents without any way of supporting their child in managing anxiety.
Over the past 15 years, psychologist, Eli Leibowitz, has applied the principles of non-violent resistance (NVR) to develop a training intervention SPACE (Supportive parenting for anxious childhood emotions) for parents of anxious children. I use SPACE principles to enable parents to focus on changes that they can make to their own behaviour. The two main changes that parents learn to make in SPACE treatment are to respond more supportively to their anxious child and to reduce the accommodations they have been making to the child symptoms.
NVR for Autism
NVR principles can be applied to support parents of children with Autism and can help them to understand and manage their child’s emotional and behavioural difficulties.
The principles of NVR can be applied to support parents of children with ADHD who experience externalising behaviour problems, attention deficit, oppositional defiant, and conduct disorders.
NVR for Digital misuse
NVR principles can be applied to enable parents to provide vigilant care to manage their child’s digital misuse and on-line addictions by redefining “presence,” “connection,” and “privacy.”
NVR for Eating Disorders
NVR principles can be applied to enable parents to provide vigilant care to help optimise parental coping with children at risk of or suffering from eating disorders.
If you would find it helpful, more information about family therapy can be found here.